How to Track Your FedEx 2-Day or Overnight Shipment
To track your package, use the tracking number provided via email. Enter this number on the FedEx website to monitor your shipment's status.
If You Haven’t Received a Tracking Number:
- Your order may still be processing.
- You can check your order status [here], where the tracking number will appear once your order is printed and marked as 'In Transit.'
Shipping Methods for Visa and Mastercard Gifts:
- FedEx 2-Day: Estimated 2-3 business days.
- FedEx Overnight: Estimated 1-2 business days.
- USPS: Same-day shipping for orders processed by 4 PM EST, Monday to Friday.
Same-Day Shipping Deadlines:
- FedEx: Orders processed before 7 PM EST (Mon-Fri) or 10 AM EST (Saturday).
- USPS: Orders processed before 4 PM EST (Mon-Fri).
If FedEx shows your package as delivered but you have not received it, please contact FedEx before reaching out to our support team for further assistance.
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