Looking to track your FedEx 2-Day or Overnight shipment?
Use the tracking number received via email to track your package on FedEx's website. If you haven't received your tracking number, your order may not have been processed yet. You can check your order status here, where you will also find your tracking number once your order has been printed and is in the 'In Transit' state (see image below).
Our plastic Visa and Mastercard gifts are mailed using the chosen shipping method (FedEx or USPS) upon order placement. For FedEx, same-day shipping is assured for orders processed from Monday to Friday before 7 PM EST and on Saturday before 10 AM EST. If USPS is selected, same-day shipping is guaranteed for orders processed by 4 PM EST from Monday to Friday. The estimated shipping times are calculated from the moment the cards are printed.
- FedEx 2-Day (Estimated 2-3 business days)
- FedEx Overnight (Estimated 1-2 business days)
If you have not received your order, but FedEx states it was delivered, please contact FedEx before contacting our support team.
To contact us, please use the chat icon at the bottom right of this page.
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