If you received a plastic Visa or Mastercard gift card, issued by Gift Card Granny, we require you to activate your card prior to use. You can activate your card over the phone by calling our toll-free number 855-660-6847 and selecting option #1 from the menu.
Please have your card information handy before calling. You will be asked to provide your 16-digit card number and 3-digit CVV code. If you are having trouble activating your card over the phone, please double-check that Gift Card Granny issues your card. If your card has already been activated, you will receive an error. If you are still having trouble, please attempt to activate your card online.
After your card is activated
- Once you have completed steps 1 - 5 above, you will hear a message that you card is activated and what your available balance is. Your card can now be used!
- Remember the 4-digit PIN you selected if you wish to use your card for Debit transactions. Your card can also be run as a Credit when paying.
- To view your Transaction History at any time, visit our check balance page.
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