Having trouble using your card at a gas station? Below is some helpful information when using your plastic Visa or Mastercard gift card for fuel purchases:
- Do not swipe your card at a gas pump.
- When purchasing fuel, always ask the cashier to authorize the card for the exact amount you wish to purchase and available on the card.
- Swiping at the pump will typically result in merchant requesting a pre-authorization for approximately $200.
- If the available card funds are less than requested by the merchant the result will be a pre-authorization hold on the funds for typically 4 days and the sale will not be authorized.
- If the available funds exceed the authorization amount requested by merchant the sale will be authorized and a hold on the unused portion may remain for typically 4 days.
- Pre-authorization holds on funds generally expire in 4 days and the funds will be again available on your card without further action required.
Virtual Visa and Mastercard gift cards can not be used for fuel purchases.
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